

What is Sleep Apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder that many people experience but is often overlooked. This condition is characterised by recurrent respiratory arrest during sleep.


Sleep apnoea usually occurs as a result of obstruction of the airway during sleep, which interrupts the person's sleep and prevents the person from getting enough oxygen during the night.

What are the symptoms of sleep apnoea?

Symptoms of sleep apnoea may include the following:


-High intensity snoring
-Sensation of stopping or interruption of breathing during sleep
-Waking up with a headache in the morning
-Feeling excessively sleepy during the day
-Attention deficit and focus problems
-Feeling of weakness and fatigue

Sleep Apnoea Treatment

Treatment for sleep apnoea can vary depending on the severity and type of condition. Treatment options include:


CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device: This device is used to keep the airway open during sleep.


Oral appliances: In some cases, specially designed appliances can be used to prevent airway obstruction.


Lifestyle changes: Lifestyle changes such as weight control, reducing alcohol consumption and regular exercise can relieve symptoms of sleep apnoea.


Effects of Sleep Apnoea on Quality of Life

Sleep apnoea can seriously affect a person’s quality of life in the long term. Lack of sleep and continuous inadequate oxygen intake can reduce performance during the day, reduce work efficiency and even lead to accidents. In addition, the constant feeling of fatigue and weakness can negatively affect overall life satisfaction.


Sleep apnoea is a serious health problem and should not be neglected. It is important for people who recognise the symptoms to consult a health professional. When left untreated, sleep apnoea can progress and lead to more serious health problems. With lifestyle changes, treatment methods and regular follow-up, sleep apnoea can be controlled and quality of life can be improved.


It is important to remember the importance of regular check-ups to get more information about sleep apnoea and to get support from healthcare professionals.

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