Child Hearing Loss


Hearing Loss in Children: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Hearing loss in children can often occur due to congenital conditions, infections or genetic factors. This can affect a child's development and early intervention is important.

Congenital Hearing Loss

Congenital hearing loss is usually caused by genetic factors. Families should consult a specialised health professional if they think their baby has hearing problems. Early diagnosis can increase treatment options and support a child's hearing development

Hearing Loss due to Infections

Common middle ear infections in children can cause hearing loss. These infections can lead to serious problems that can affect hearing health. Children's ear health should be checked regularly and infections should be treated immediately.

Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Çocuklarda işitme kaybının belirtileri arasında dikkat eksikliği, konuşma gelişiminde gerileme ve sık kulak enfeksiyonları bulunabilir. Ebeveynler, bu belirtileri fark ederse, çocuklarını bir işitme uzmanına götürmelidir.

Hearing Tests and Diagnosis

Various tests and diagnostic methods are used to detect hearing loss. These tests are important to determine the degree of hearing loss and to create the appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment of Hearing Loss

Treatment options may include hearing aids, surgical interventions and speech therapy. A qualified health professional will recommend the most appropriate treatment depending on the cause of the child's hearing loss.

Your Children are in Safe Hands

All children who will undergo tonsillectomy should be evaluated for adenoids at or before surgery

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